Saturday, November 17, 2007

SC on Linux Bootable CD, Processing Books, Lua on Max/MSP, Giannoukakis blog.

Pure Dyne is a bootable CD that contains Linux along with SuperCollider and a number of other tools of artists such as Processing, PD, Gem, GIMP and others.
Runs on Intel platforms, including Intel Macs. Should be especially interesting for people with PCs who want to try out SuperCollider.

There is also Lua for Max/MSP.
First there is Graham Wakefield’s object:

And then there is also Wesley Smith’s project, which apparently has to do with graphics (jit.) and runs on Windows only at this moment:

Ben Fry - one of the developers of Processing has just published an interesting book and is about to publish another one. See:

Marinos Giannoukakis has a blog documenting his related work which is here:

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