Thursday, January 17, 2008

Week 9 (Classes!)

        --> Simple basic objects:
                Nil, Boolean (true, false)
        --> Magnitudes
                SimpleNumber, Integer, Float
                Polar, I
                Character (Char)
        --> Collections
                                Dictionary, IdentityDictionary, Environment, Event
        --> GUI Classes
        --> UGens
        --> Server and Server Classes
        --> Synthesis Process Classes
        --> AbstractFunction (Functions)
        --> Patterns

ubu net

Thursday, January 10, 2008

week 8

        1.        Fani Konstantinidou
        2.        Spyros
        3.        Maria Boua
        4.        Kyriakos
        5.        Leonidas
        6.        Tasos
        7.        Dimitris
        8.        Orestis
        9.        Nikos
        10.        Panayiotis Diamantis
        11.        Konstatinos Tsatsakos

Design Patterns: Christopher Alexander, Kent Beck, Gang of 4 Patterns (Gamma / Vlissides)
Refactoring (Fowler)

Events, Environments, Sets, SequenceableCollections

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Week 7

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Parousies: Konstantinos Tsatsakos, Orestis Plakias, Nikos Palamaris, Panayiotis Diamantis, Tasos Lizos, Spyros Xenitopoulos, Maria Boua, Fani konstantinidou
Apousies: Dimitris Alafouzos, Kyriakos Tsoukalas, Leonidas Chartofylakas

Short lecture by Satoru Takaku
        Toshio Hosokawa
        Makoto Shinohara
        Jo Kondo
        Yoji Yuasa

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 6: SynthDef

Plan for following weeks:
        Final session server commands // Synth and Group control //
        SynthDefs start
        SynthDefs continued, Interactive Synth Control // Envelopes // GUI
        Filters // Buffers // Disk IO (Files)
        Routines, Streams, Patterns
        FFT Spectum Domain Synthesis + alla Granular synthesis
        Discussion, review of projects

5/2 Review
7/2 Quiz
20/2 Projects due

Some topics:
        quit / play / postln
        Node Synth Group

Attendance: Maria Boua Kyriakos Tsoukalas, Orestis Plakias, Nikos Palamaris, Dimitris Alafouzos, Leonidas, Tasos Lizos, Fani Konstantinidi Spyros, Panayotis Diamantis

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 5 Server Commands, SynthDesc, Creating Synths

Server Commands

/s_new, /n_run, /n_set, n_free, “/quit”


a = NetAddr("", 57110);


a.sendMsg("/s_new", "default", 2000, 0, 0, \freq, 400, \amp, 0.1);
a.sendMsg("/s_new", "default", 2001, 0, 0, \freq, 500, \amp, 0.1);
a.sendMsg("/s_new", "default", 2002, 0, 0, \freq, 600, \amp, 0.1);

a.sendMsg("/n_free", 2000);
a.sendMsg("/n_run", 2000, 0);
a.sendMsg("/n_run", 2000, 1);

a.sendMsg("/n_run", 2000, 0)

a.sendMsg("/n_set", 2000, "freq", 500);
a.sendMsg("/n_set", 2000, "freq", 1500);
a.sendMsg("/n_set", 2000, "freq", 150);
a.sendMsg("/n_free", 2000);

a.sendMsg("/n_run", 0, 1);
a.sendMsg("/n_run", 0, 0);

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 4 HMSL, OSC basics, Unix

There was a 1.5 hour lecture covering mainly 3 topics:

Background for OSC:
        Unix shell, commands, file system.
        Relative and absolute paths.
        TCP/IP, UDP, IP address and port

Review of object oriented programming principles:
- Object: State (Attributes) and Behavior
- Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Examples of Classes

- Getting help in SuperCollider
- Browsing code in SuperCollider
- Starting (booting) and stopping (quitting) the server

Other topics:
Bibliographical research tools online. The University Portal website.

All were present:

✓         Maria Bua
✓         Konstantinos Tsatsakos
✓         Tasos Lizos
✓         Leonidas Hartofylakas
✓         Nikos Palamaris
✓         Spyros Xenitopoulos
✓         Panayotis Diamantis
✓         Kyriakos Tsoukalas
✓         Orestis Plakias
✓         Fani Konstantinidou
✓         Dimitris Alafouzos

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Week 3: OOP, AI and Cognitive Science


1. Programming Language Paradigms: Procedural (C, Pascal, Basic, Fortran etc.), Functional (LISP, Haskell, Scheme etc.) Logic (PROLOG) and Object Oriented (Smalltalk, Squeak, SuperCollider)
2. Birth and history of AI, Cognitive Science, Neural Networks (Neuroscience) and the idea of computer models and simulations of cognition, emotion, culture, etc.
3. Main concepts of Object Oriented Programming:

        •        Background: Alan Kay, (and his interests in education and cognitive science), SmallTalk
        •        The concept and implementation of Object unites Data and Program in one programming construct.
        •        An Object in OOP is thus characterized by its state or attibutes (Data?) and its behavior (methods, ~ programs)
        •        Three basic characteristics of classic OOP languages: Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance
        •        Encapsulation: Access to data inside an object is limited to that object itself. To read or write tThe object determines its behavior the

Practical session:

At the end we ran some introductory tutorials from the latest SuperCollider distribution.


All were present:

✓         Maria Bua
✓         Konstantinos Tsatsakos
✓         Tasos Lizos
✓         Leonidas Hartofylakas
✓         Nikos Palamaris
✓         Spyros Xenitopoulos
✓         Panayotis Diamantis
✓         Kyriakos Tsoukalas
✓         Orestis Plakias
✓         Fani Konstantinidou
✓         Dimitris Alafouzos